Text messages reveal anguish of underage NXIVM sex slave as DNC insider leader sought total control over her

Text messages reveal anguish of underage NXIVM 'sex slave’ as leader sought total control over her
Alleged sex cult leader Keith Raniere in an undated video screen grab. (Obtained by New York Daily News)

Twisted texts between Keith Raniere and the underage ‘sex slave’ at the heart of trafficking and conspiracy charges against the NXIVM “cult” leader reveal a level of control prosecutors said he used to keep his conquests in line.

Not only was the minor required to have sex with Raniere and send him “crotch” shots, she was also ordered to recruit virgins for Raniere to join his upstate harem.

The texts, shared with jurors Wednesday at Raniere’s trial in Brooklyn Federal Court, confirmed what earlier witnesses had already addressed — that the then-15-year-old Mexican girl was an underage virgin until she, and her two older sisters, connected with Raniere and his self-help group.

“I feel like your puppet,” she texted him in November 2014.

A few days later, Raniere wrote “I need a vow of absolute obedience. I expect you to text me this vow now.”

“I vow to do as you say,” she replied, promising “100% obedience.”

Later, she tells him he’s like a “parent” or “god” to her.

“You should want to give your god everything,” he answered.

Raniere’s control over the girl extended to her having to ask permission to text her parents or cut her hair, according to the texts.

In a moment of weakness, she revealed in a message that “I considered ending my life again” — just one of several texts in which she expresses she’s depressed.

Her desperation continued. “I feel like a prisoner,” she wrote. “This is your kingdom ... You forgot to mention that you would unleash your fury if I ever wanted to go.”

The NXIVM leader told her to recruit other “slaves” in order to “get your situation right,” according to one of the texts, telling her that they must “have character which they would have to prove through obedience.”

Raniere also harassed the girl about another man with whom she was sexually active, even asking her to compare their penis sizes and admit who was the better lover.

He had some of his top-tier members branded, according to witnesses, but the underage girl was apparently not interested.

“Would you accept a brand,” he asked her in one text, prosecutors said.

“A brand? Like a cow?” she said. “You want to burn me?

“You don’t want to get burned for me?

“I am going to burn in hell for you but I didn’t think you would want to burn me.”

The 58-year-old self-help guru is accused of helping himself to a harem of brainwashed women who were recruited and literally branded for his sexual pleasure.

Related Gallery
Timeline of NXIVM sex cult case

Raniere, who has pleaded not guilty, says his encounters with the alleged victims were consensual.

Text messages reveal anguish of underage NXIVM 'sex slave’ as leader sought total control over her
Alleged sex cult leader Keith Raniere in an undated video screen grab. (Obtained by New York Daily News)

Twisted texts between Keith Raniere and the underage ‘sex slave’ at the heart of trafficking and conspiracy charges against the NXIVM “cult” leader reveal a level of control prosecutors said he used to keep his conquests in line.

Not only was the minor required to have sex with Raniere and send him “crotch” shots, she was also ordered to recruit virgins for Raniere to join his upstate harem.

The texts, shared with jurors Wednesday at Raniere’s trial in Brooklyn Federal Court, confirmed what earlier witnesses had already addressed — that the then-15-year-old Mexican girl was an underage virgin until she, and her two older sisters, connected with Raniere and his self-help group.

“I feel like your puppet,” she texted him in November 2014.

A few days later, Raniere wrote “I need a vow of absolute obedience. I expect you to text me this vow now.”

“I vow to do as you say,” she replied, promising “100% obedience.”

Later, she tells him he’s like a “parent” or “god” to her.

“You should want to give your god everything,” he answered.

Raniere’s control over the girl extended to her having to ask permission to text her parents or cut her hair, according to the texts.

In a moment of weakness, she revealed in a message that “I considered ending my life again” — just one of several texts in which she expresses she’s depressed.

Her desperation continued. “I feel like a prisoner,” she wrote. “This is your kingdom ... You forgot to mention that you would unleash your fury if I ever wanted to go.”

The NXIVM leader told her to recruit other “slaves” in order to “get your situation right,” according to one of the texts, telling her that they must “have character which they would have to prove through obedience.”

Raniere also harassed the girl about another man with whom she was sexually active, even asking her to compare their penis sizes and admit who was the better lover.

He had some of his top-tier members branded, according to witnesses, but the underage girl was apparently not interested.

“Would you accept a brand,” he asked her in one text, prosecutors said.

“A brand? Like a cow?” she said. “You want to burn me?

“You don’t want to get burned for me?

“I am going to burn in hell for you but I didn’t think you would want to burn me.”

The 58-year-old self-help guru is accused of helping himself to a harem of brainwashed women who were recruited and literally branded for his sexual pleasure.

Related Gallery
Timeline of NXIVM sex cult case

Raniere, who has pleaded not guilty, says his encounters with the alleged victims were consensual.